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YouTube Keyword Tool

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Free YouTube Keyword Research Tool.

Because Google doesn’t provide a keyword tool for YouTube (the 2nd largest search engine in the world) we’ve build the free YouTube Keyword Research Tool. Just enter your subject and this tool will help you to quickly identify YouTube specific keyword opportunities. Instead of checking the YouTube suggest function manually, you’ll get up to 130 different keywords for your country selection.

Find out how your audience is searching on YouTube to find keywords related to your subject in just a couple of seconds.

YouTube Keyword Tool

Tip: Interested in automating your Keyword Research workflow? Explore the Keyword APIs →

YouTube keyword tool features:

  • Primary and secondary keyword suggestions, the returned keywords are ranked by relevancy.
  • (coming soon) -YouTube search trends chart, so you can see how the search volume for a specific keyword changes over time.
  • Country / Language selection, currently supporting 14 Countries including:
    • United states – English, United Kingdom -English, Ireland – English, Italy – Italien, Netherlands – Dutch, Germany – German, France – French, Canada – English, Spain – Spanish, Australia – English, Denmark – Danish, China – Chines, Thailand – Thais, India – English

Why optimize you video for YouTube? 

According to Wikipedia YouTube ranks on the number 2 spot for the most popular websites World Wide. So if you’re creating videos and you need a platform to reach your audience, YouTube is the place to be.

Most popular websites worldwide

(source: SimilarWeb)

And just to give you an idea of the sheer size and impact YouTube has to offer here are some random numbers provided by the platform itself: “One billion hours of video is watched daily” and “The video platform has over one billion users” (this is almost one-third of the internet). These numbers are just staggering!

Youtube Statistics

(source: YouTube statistics)

Obviously this means video marketing on YouTube offers great opportunity to reach your audience, but there is one problem… You are not alone! 

The problem with your videos on YouTube..

Since YouTube offers great opportunity, competition is also high. There’re no official statics available, but it’s estimated that the number of video content uploaded every minute is somewhere around 300-500 hours. This automatically means competition is fierce. To make sure your video gets in front of your audience you have three options: 1) pay for a video advertising campaign to reach potential costumers or 2) optimize your video listing to improve visibility in the YouTube search results 3) optimize your listing to improve visibility in the Google search results.

What is Video SEO (vSEO)?

Video SEO (also called vSEO) is the process of optimizing a video for specific video search engines and general web search engines. The goal of video SEO is to improve the visibility of a video by ranking it a high as possible in the search results to generate maximum visibility.  

To get maximum exposure for your video you need to address the 5 most import elements of video optimization:

  • Perform video keyword research
  • Optimize your video for YouTube search
  • Optimize a YouTube channel
  • Optimize your video for Google search
  • Promote your video

How to do YouTube keyword research?

When you have determined the goals for your video, you need to start thinking about subject and keyword targeting. This means that even before you create your video you need to have a close look at the competition, see what they are doing and look for keyword opportunities. This is where the keyword research tool plays a significant role. Enter your main focus keyword and find keyword suggestions directly related to your subject. The results form this tool are an exact copy of the results shown by YouTube, when visitors searching for a specific keyword or keyword phrase. YouTube collects data from millions and millions of daily searches and feeds them into their algorithm to determine what visitors are actually looking for when entering a search query. 

For most keywords the search suggestions from YouTube are significantly different from the search suggestions Google provides when a user performs a regular web search query. When we look at the example query “Link building” this is what Google shows: 

Google suggest

When you compare these results to the suggestions from YouTube for the exact search query you’ll notice some overlap and also some interesting differences. 

YouTube suggest

Based on this specific query it’s seems there is a great demand for tutorials when visitors are looking for “Link building” videos. Official YouTube statistics also show a high demand for Self-directed learning in the form of “How to” / “Tutorial” / “Explaining” video content.

Youtube user intend


So if you’re interested in releasing a “Link building” video, you might want to create a video tutorial to target this search query. 

Related keywords

Additional keywords you might want to target:

  • [Tutorial], officiously to show people the video is a step-by-step tutorial.  
  • [X Number] strategies, show people what they can expect from your video. Is it an in-depth video about for example just 3 strategies? Or are you going to address 101 different strategies quickly?
  • [Year], show people how relevant and up-to-date your video is. A a link building video from 2009 might be dated right? 

With the YouTube keyword tool you get up 130 different keywords to choose from in just a couple of clicks.

Related tools:

Create CTR optimized headlines

After you’ve determined your focus keyword and secondary keyword(s), you can use the headline generator to create an eye-catching title to make sure people are actually going to view your video when it shows up on the search results page.

Create question optimized content

A second tool I would suggest to find common questions people ask related to your subject is the Google question tool. This tool will automatically extract questions related to your subject. Here is an example of questions people are trying to answer when searching for “Link building”.

How to optimize your video for YouTube & Google Web Search?

In this article I’m not going to describe the full process of Video SEO, but Brian Dean published an excellent video to help you on your way to optimize your video for YouTube and Google Web Search.



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2 thoughts on “YouTube Keyword Tool

  1. Jain

    It looks like a very useful tool. I would like to use it for Youtube SEO purpose. Let me know is it free or paid?

    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      HI Jain,

      This YouTube keyword tool is 100% free! And besides using it strictly for YouTube video optimization, it can also give you some nice keyword ideas if you’re writing a blog post and you’re running out of inspiration.


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