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Webmaster Tools

Domain Age Checker

Website age verification tool. Use the bulk Domain Age Checker to discover the age of a specific URL or domain. With just a few clicks you can generate the domain age report for a single or group of domains. How to determine domain age? In general there are two different approaches to measure the age of a domain: 1. …..

Paid Search Competitor Checker

Paid search competitor research Tool. Enter your domain name and this tool will automatically return your top paid competitors in Google. Uncover how much traffic your competitors get from Google Ads and the number of paid keywords you have in common. In addition this tool will calculate and estimate of your competitors monthly advertising budget. The Paid competitor …..

FAQ Schema Generator

Optimize your FAQ content for Google. The FAQ Schema Generator is designed to help you create JSON-LD markup. Adding this markup to a web page can help Google to show a list of Questions and Answers for a specific URL in search. As you can see from the example above, having your result extended with FAQ markup means …..

Email Finder

Search email addresses. The Email Finder is designed to search for email addresses that are publically available on the web. Enter contact name and company URL to find primary and related mail addresses. Use this tool to verify contact information or find the email address of a specific prospect. Features Primary Email address Related Email addresses Source, where …..

PWA Testing Tool

Progressive Web App (PWA) Audit. With the PWA testing tool you can perform an automated PWA analysis powered by the official Google Lighthouse software. See how well your website meets the technical requirements to be served as a Progressive Web App. Progressive Web App checklist The PWA testing tool performs a review of your website based on a …..

Core Web Vitals Test

Core Web Vitals Checker. The Core Web Vitals checker measures the 3 key metrics that, according to Google, are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web. To perform the Core Web Vitals test this tool is powered by real-world Chrome user data.  What are the Core Web Vitals? The Core Web Vitals are a set …..

Google SEO Checker

Free Google SEO scan. The Google SEO Checker is powered by the official Google Lighthouse platform, designed to improve the quality of a web page. Enter your URL and get access to how Google sees your website. Based on 14 key features Google will give you basic feedback and insights on how well your website is optimized for …..

Website Accessibility Checker

Free online Website Accessibility scan. Use this tool to test if your website is accessible and to detect issues that may block persons with a disability from interacting with your content. Start by entering an URL and the tool will automatically test your site for 51 possible accessibility issues.       How to use the Website Accessibility Checker?  Enter the URL.  Perform the accessibility scan. …..

Website Security Checker

Free Website security scan. To keep the web save, Google has developed multiple technologies to detect malicious websites. This service is called Save browsing and is designed to notify users and webmasters of potentially harmful websites. How does website security checker work? The Website security checker connects with the Google Web Save API to check URLs against Google’s …..

Google PageSpeed Checker 2.2

Google PageSpeed testing tool. Update: The Google PageSpeed checker is now running of the latest Google API, enhancing the power of the Chrome User Experience Report and data from Google Lighthouse. This Page Speed tool is designed to let you check any given webpage and see how well it’s optimized for speed. To provide you with actionable and …..

Bulk Facebook share count checker

Multi URL FB Share count tool. Update: Just updated the Bulk Facebook Share count tool to the latest Facebook API version 2.7. Because the API no longer supports like count requests, the previous available Bulk Facebook like count checker is now replaced by this tool. With the Facebook share count tool you can check the number of times …..

Social page authority checker

Social authority tool. The Social page authority tool enables you to check the popularity of multiple URLs across different social networks. The tool displays the social media authority and social media interactions for every submitted URL. The higher the calculated social media interaction the higher the social media authority score for a specific URL.  The social media authority indicates the …..

Bulk Pinterest Pins checker

Pinterest Pin Checker Tool. Use this tool to check the number of times a image, video or other objects from a page / URL is pinned using Pinterest. You can get the Pin count for multiple URLs using the Bulk Pinterest Pins checker and export the results to .CSV. The Pin count indicates how your visitors appreciate and …..

Facebook Comments box count checker

Facebook Comments box tool. The Facebook comments box is a social plugin webmasters can easily integrate into their website.  Use the FB comments box tool to check the number of comments for a specific URL. Facebook uses social signals to display high quality and most relevant comments for each user. When a user selects the option post to …..

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