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SEO Authority tools

SEO Competitor Checker

SEO Competitor Research & Analysis Tool. Update: Report now includes 5 competitors and in-depth analysis options Find out who are your biggest organic search competitors with this competitor research tool. Select your target country and enter the URL of your website and the tool will automatically analyse the competitors who are also ranking for your most important keywords. …..

Free Google Rank Checker

Bulk keyword Rank Checker. Updates: read more about the most recent updates … Use the Google Rank Checker to see how well your web site is performing in search. Submit up to 10 keywords, add your domain and select your version of Google to get accurate real-time results. Save time and retrieve the rankings for your domain and …..

Website Traffic Checker

Website Traffic Estimator [Update]. Enter the URL of any website and find out how many people visit this site every month. In addition the Website Traffic Checker shows you how many pages an average user views and how many people will leave the site after just viewing a single page (bounce rate). How can the Website Traffic Checker …..

Fresh Backlink checker

Discover the most recent backlinks pointing to your domain. To have a website that’s visible in the organic search results it’s very important to establish online authority. Search engines look at backlinks as votes from other websites (external domains) to yours. Both the number of backlinks and the quality of these links determine the authority of your website …..

Broken link checker

Broken backlink checker / lost link recovery. The broken backlink checker is designed to help you identify broken link pointing to your website. Enter your URL and the tool will (1) check if there are external backlinks point to pages that no longer exist & (2) Check if links that where pointing to your website have been removed. …..

Domain Rank Tracker

Free domain Rank tracking tool. UPDATE: now including 2x more data Use the Domain Rank tracker to find those keywords that drive traffic to your website, or discover your competitors’ most important keywords and rankings. Enter any URL and this tool returns the 50 most important keywords for the domain in Google search. The ranking report includes: Google …..

Website Authority Checker

Domain Authority / Page Authority checker. In the eyes of Google not all websites are equal. Some sites get tons of search traffic from Google each day (think of Wikipedia, Amazon, IMDB…), while others are struggling to show up in the SERPs (Search Engine Result pages). There are two major factors influencing the performance / rankings of your …..

Free Backlink checker

Valuable backlink checker. According to Google, “Content and Links going into your site, are the two most important ranking factors followed by RankBrain” – Andrey Lipattsev, (Search Quality Senior Strategist). So, if you have your content in place, you probably should focus on building backlinks pointing to your domain and important pages. Quality links are the ranking factor …..

Bulk Domain Rating Checker

Domain Rating and URL Rating checker. Since backlinks are still the backbone of the internet, search engines use backlinks to determine the popularity and authority of a website. “3 most important ranking signals used by Google: Content, Links and RankBrain” — Andrey Lipattsev (search Quality Senior Strategist at Google) The higher your Domain Rating, the bigger your chances …..

Domain Authority & Page Authority Checker

Bulk Domain Authority & Page Authority checker. Update: This tool is now powered by SEMrush Domain and Page authority scores. Use the Bulk DA & PA checker to determine the strength of specific pages and the likelihood for a domain to perform well in search engine results. To make the domain authority checker as effective as possible you …..

Link Building Tool

Free Link Building Tool – Find link opportunities Use the Link building tool by SEO Review Tools to find the best link building opportunities in Google. Enter your main focus keyword and the select the most relevant category / industry, to get a broad range of link building suggestions. Running the tool will save you valuable time and …..

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