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How to optimize AI content for SEO

AI content for SEO

Learn: How to write SEO optimized AI content

Understanding how to write SEO-optimized content with AI technology can help you to effectively upscale your business.

Free AI tools like Google Bart and ChatGPT are used by many marketers today to make their content creation process more efficient. But these AI tools are not designed to optimize content for search engines.

To produce AI-generated content that’s able drive traffic to your website you need to have a basic understanding of SEO or you can use SEO software to help you optimize your content.

These 3 different strategies to create successful AI content, will be addressed in this guide:

Before we dive into these different ways to optimize content for SEO, we have to address Google guidelines in relation to artificiall content creation.

Google Search’s guidance concerning AI-generated content

Google AI content

In contrary to what many people believe, Google is not against content that has been created by AI. In the eyes of Google, AI generated content is treated the same as human created content. Google’s ranking algorithm (which is AI powered) rewards original, high-quality content that meets E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) guidelines.

Here are some quotes to provide you with insights into Google’s stance on AI-generated content.

“Automation has long been used in publishing to create useful content. AI can assist with and generate useful content in exciting new ways.”

“If it is useful, helpful, original, and satisfies aspects of E-E-A-T, it might do well in Search. If it doesn’t, it might not.”


Keyword research

It doesn’t matter which AI SEO content production strategy you choose; keyword research will always be a fundamental and crucial first step in the process.

Keyword tool

Effective keyword research helps you discover the right terms and phrases to include in your content and ensure it aligns with the interests and search behavior of your target audience. Use our Keyword research tools to uncover keyword insights like: search volume, keyword difficulty and directly related keywords. While large language models are pretty good at creating content and coming up with content ideas, they don’t have direct access to keyword statistics.

Tool → Keyword research Tool.

AI prompt design

Creating content with AI starts with a prompt (a specific instruction provided to an artificial intelligence system to generate a desired output or response).

AI prompt examples for SEO

In the following sections, we will explore various examples of AI prompts that include context and clear instructions.

  • Related Keywords
    Audience: business owners, Create a list of related keywords for the keyword: “online marketing”.
  • Content outline
    Create a content outline for the topic “online marketing”, article type: “guide”, target audience: “business owners” and include these related keywords: “Digital marketing, Internet marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Email marketing”
  • Title tag
    Audience: business owners, Create 10 Title tag examples for the topic: “online marketing” and use these keywords: “Digital marketing, Internet marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Email marketing”
  • Meta description
    Audience: business owners, Create 10 Meta description examples for the topic: “online marketing” and use these keywords: “Digital marketing, Internet marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Email marketing”
  • FAQ
    Audience: business owners, Create 5 FAQs for the topic: “online marketing” and use these keywords: “Digital marketing, Internet marketing, Search engine optimization (SEO), Email marketing”

Based on the information that you’ve collected with the above prompts you can now use your favorite AI platform to fill in the gabs. Additionally you can enhance your prompts by incorporating tone of voice and providing examples to offer clear guidance to Bart or ChatGPT.

Tip: Use our free AI content generator to quickly construct useful SEO prompts →

Optimizing AI content for SEO

Manual content optimization

Use the AI content checklist to optimize your content for search.

Keyword Research

  • Start by conducting keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords related to your topic. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or our Keyword research find valuable keywords.

Title Optimization

  • Craft a compelling and keyword-rich title for your content. Place your primary keyword near the beginning of the title to improve its visibility in search results.

Meta Tag

  • Optimize the meta title and meta description with relevant keywords. This tag provides a brief summary of your content in search engine results and can significantly affect click-through rates.

Headings and Subheadings

  • Use proper HTML tags (e.g., <h1>, <h2>, <h3>) for headings and subheadings within your content. Include relevant keywords in these headings to improve readability and SEO.

Keyword Placement

  • Incorporate your target keywords naturally throughout the content. Avoid overusing keywords (keyword stuffing), as this can lead to penalties from search engines.

Content Relevance

  • Ensure that your content is relevant to the chosen keywords and provides valuable information to your target audience. The content should answer their questions and fulfill their needs.

Quality and Grammar

  • Review and edit your content for quality and grammar. Make sure that the content is well-written, free of spelling errors, and flows naturally.

Internal and External Links

  • Include internal links to other relevant pages on your website and external links to authoritative sources when appropriate. This helps improve the user experience and SEO.

Optimize Images and Media

  • If your content includes images or other media, make sure to optimize them for SEO. Use descriptive file names and alt text that include keywords.

Tool assisted optimization

If you don’t have the specific knowledge or the time to carry out a manual content review, you can optimize your content using our SEO content editor. The SEO Content Editor is a writing assistant designed to help you optimize content for the web. Base on your focus keyword, the algorithm analyses the provided content and calculates the SEO score using intelligent keyword recognition. During this process the different content elements are weighted based on impact and scored accordingly.

SEO content assistant

If it’s manually written or AI generated content, the SEO content editor will show you how to optimize your content for search based on a detailed content review. On top of that, the editor comes with multiple tool integrations: Trending topics, AI content writer, create a Content Brief and more..

Tool → SEO content assistant.

API automated optimization

When you’re creating AI generated content at scale, you’re probably using an API. Using an API to create content works similar to prompting ChatGPT or Google Bart, but instead of using an interface your using code to interact with the AI. The major benefit of using an API compared to manual AI content creation lies in the efficiency that reduced content creation time.

How to optimize AI content with the SEO Content Analysis API?

The steps below will take you through the automated process of optimizing AI content with the help of our API solution.

  • Prompt the AI content API
  • Send the content from the AI content API to the SEO Content Analysis API for review.
    The SEO Content Analysis API will return the recommendations needed to optimize the content.
  • Send the SEO recommendations back to the AI content API to optimize the content for SEO.

Repeat this process (step 2 – 3) until the SEO Content Analysis API returns a SEO score of 75% or higher. The SEO optimization process can be fully automated without any form of human intervention.

Visit our API documentation for more information SEO Content Analysis API →


Please be aware that ChatGPT may generate incorrect information. For this reason human control and evaluation is still recommended.

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